Friday, October 4, 2013

Silicon Valley Code Camp Session Materials

Thanks to everyone who came to see me at Code Camp on October 5! Here are links to some resources related to my presentation:

The ASP.NET MVC sample project I demoed at the beginning of the presentation was authored by Eric Hexter. You can install this sample application into a "basic" Visual Studio 2012 MVC4 project using NuGet with the package ID twitter.bootstrap.mvc4.sample. However, be aware that the package has an error in the bundle configuration, and in order to fix it you will have to apply the code shown in this commit.

Once you get the sample up and running, you'll notice it doesn't have any database access, although you should have Entity Framework 5 installed as part of the MVC project template. All you have to do is create a data context class for the code first and wire up the data access code. Here's a link that should get you going.

Here's the PowerShell script I demoed that will create an Azure management certificate:

#purpose: create a management certificate for Windows Azure
Param ( [string]$certName = 'Azure Management Cert' )

#make sure this path is set to a valid Windows SDK path 
$env:Path = $env:Path + ';C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.1\Bin'

makecert -sky exchange -r -n "CN=$certName" -pe -a sha1 -len 2048 -ss My "$CertName.cer"

Finally, here's an example of an assembly redirect in a web.config file:

Thanks again for coming, and please check out Practice Fusion if or when you are looking for something new and exciting.